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From Bilbao

Take the Kadagua motorway direction to Balmaseda. Approaching Sodupe continue direction to Gordexola and Artziniega by BI-2604.

Continue direction Peña Angulo by the BU-550 road until you reach Trespaderne.

When you arrive there take BU-530 road direction to Quintana Martín Galíndez. Just before arriving to this town take the road BU-520 on the right that goes direction to Frías, on the sign that says it's 4 km away. Continue that road until you get to Frias.

Continue that road forward and continue for 2 Km where the entrance to Tobera is at the left side of the road.

From Burgos

Take N-1 road direction to Briviesca and Cubo de Bureba, until you reach a crossroad to the left with N-232 (direction to Oña , Santander).

Continue until Busto de Bureba, where we turn right to get the BU-520 road direction to Frías.

We continue through the Alto del Portillo de Busto, we pass La Aldea, Ranera and we get to Tobera. The entrance to it is located on the right side of the road once we have passed town from above.

From Vitoria

By the motorway A-1 direction to Miranda de Ebro. From this point on there are two alternatives:

1) Take the AP-1 highway in Armiñón (continuing direction to Burgos) and get the exit at Puentelarra (toll free).

Continue to Fontecha, Puentelarra by the A-2122 road and continue on road A-2625 until you see a sign in the left directing to Sobrón by A-2122 road, to continue until Quintana Martín Galíndez by BU-530.

Once passed this town take the road to the left direction to Frías. Once there continue the road for 2 km where you'll find the entrance to Tobera on the left side of the road.

2) Take the AP-1 highway in Armiñón (continuing direction to Burgos), exit at Ameyugo. (toll free).

Continue on the N-1 road through Pancorbo and Santa Mª Rivarredonda. After this last town mentioned take the road at the right(direction to Oña, Santander) by the N-232 road from Cubo de Bureba to Busto de Bureba where you'll take the BU-520 road at the right direction to Frías. Continue through Alto del Portillo de Busto, pass La Aldea and Ranera and you'll get to Tobera. The entrance to it is located on the right side of the road once we have passed town from above.